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Saturdays are for the Boys....Or Are They?

American Football Federation - Player Spotlights

Nov 26, 2023

Leonard showing that Semi Pro Football isn't just a Man's Game!

Quineshia #BigBody Leonard is a single mother of 2. Received her bachelors degree in Exercise Science from Norfolk State University where she had a full athletic scholarship. She also became a published author of Destined to be Different: My Journey to Professional Football in March of 2023. Her decision to play for the Crusaders was not one that she took lightly. The Virginia Crusaders first female Defensive Coordinator and current Head Coach, Chenell Soho Tillman-Brooks approached her about playing for the storied championship team last season. Coach Soho felt that Quineshia had the ability to play and improve on her game with the CRU. After talking to Coach SoHo, she reached out to her long time motivator, trainer, and now teammate, Noel Clarke for some extra encouragement. The confidence and support that they had in her helped her to realize the potential that she possessed. “My Crusader family has pushed me from day 1 and never treated me like the GIRL on the team. This season with the Crusaders has been game changing for me not only physically but mentally. I’ve grown so much since starting with them and I’m forever grateful to the entire Crusader organization for giving me a chance”. #Cru4Lyfe

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